
This and That

Things are shaping up fieldworkwise, although I am not quite sure what I am studying anymore. After Silje left I've spent a lot more time with my tamil informants, also going off on trips with them, last week to Adam's Peak. A picture or two will appear on the blog in due time. The studentship issue is still unresolved, but I've been informed the $3000 fee they demanded is not applicable. I will, however, have to pay a fee, the size of which is yet to be determined (the Dean of Arts told me it would under no circumstances exceed $1000). I've become fluent in Tamil... yeah right. I am working at it, though.

There is so much I want to write on the blog, but somehow, after having written up my fieldnotes, I never have the energy. I will ask this question, though: Is anyone at all reading this? If so, please indulge me with a comment every now and then - in the language of your choice, be it Jiddish, nynorsk or Thai.

Ah.. and then I have to point everyone's attention in this ----> direction where a link will take you to a webpage of absolutely no lasting value to you, but where you nevertheless will find a picture of me :)



Anonymous said...

It took me some time, but yes, I'm reading! So you don't know what you're studying... who really does? Take it as it comes :)

My best to you!


Anonymous said...

Eg læs dina skriverier, men tycker nock att det ær lite før många ord på otomlandsk.

terje, flyktning

Haakon said...

mener du jeg burde skrive på svestlandsk i stedet? ;)

hadde nå tenkt å skrive denne mastergraden på engelsk så jeg nekter å tenke en eneste dyp tanke på norsk før oppgaven er levert!

Anonymous said...

Om du icke børjar skriva på et nordisk spøk inom 24 timmar, så krøssklæpp æ bloggen din med en utedass!

terje, nasjonalromantiker

Anonymous said...

Veldig interessant, håper det kommer mer på disse sidene.

Anonymous said...

Hoho!! Æ les æ vøttø haakon! Te tross for maaange ord på ein gang, og te og med på engelsk, så det veldig arti å lesa!! Du e riktig flink!!! Sitt no her på skolen og skriv om stål og jern og herding... savne litt sos.ant en gang i blandt...

Stor klem Maren